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Many companies will be more successful if they update their approaches in human resources.

That’s the obvious conclusion from eye-opening information that was revealed in a survey of 40,000 employees at 300 companies.

When companies implement outstanding human resources programs, they’re more profitable than their competitors that don’t.

Two key ingredients: high morale programs and initiatives to  partner with your employees.

Plus, a Seattle company, TINYpulse, has shared the surprising results of its 2013 study, “7 Vital Trends Disrupting Today’s Workplace.”

Among the seven trends, employees reveal how little they’re engaged.

They aren’t in tune with managements’ visions, which is a sign human resources departments aren’t aligning them with employee-level goals.

Employees tell what matters to them about their work:

“This shows that who you work with is becoming more important than who you work for,” TINYpulse founder David Niu said in a press release. “We often think of employee happiness and satisfaction as being manager-driven, but now as the workplace becomes more cross-matrixed, collaborative, and ‘bottom-up,’ the importance of co-worker relationships continues to grow.”

In essence, employees say soft skills are important in co-workers.

Some TINYpulse recommendations:

  • As the competitive landscape changes, it has dramatically shifted the balance in favor of companies that can respond effectively and rapidly. Organizations must do a better job of sharing their vision, mission, and values along with aligning it to employee-level goals.
  • With a more decentralized work environment that puts a premium on employee-to-employee relationships, HR and team leaders must prioritize recruiting talent that are extremely collaborative and team-oriented.
  • To harness the crowdsource wave, systems must be implemented that are lightweight and easy to use for employees to be able to provide suggestions and peer-to-peer recognition.
  • Finally, investors have demanded increased transparency from corporations — and employees want the same from their leaders.

From the Coach’s Corner, I agree and here are related tips:

Trust Gap between Managers and Workers — How to Drive Engagement — While it’s true there are companies that are aware that good morale among employees propels profits, many businesses are missing opportunities for growth. It’s not because of marketing. It has to do with internal issues. 

Secrets in Motivating Employees to Offer Profitable Ideas — Savvy employers know how to profit from their human capital. Such knowledge is a powerful weapon for high performance in a competitive marketplace. 

Management — 4 Mindsets for Leadership in Performance Reviews — Are you nervous at the thought of giving employee-performance reviews? You’re not alone. Your employees aren’t exactly thrilled, either. Typically, employees aren’t convinced they can get valid feedback. If they’ve experienced poor managers, they likely dread the performance-review process or are skeptical of the outcome.

Tips for Marketing Your HR-Policy Changes to Employees — So you’ve identified workplace policies that need to be updated. But you want your policies to be accepted and followed by your employees. Employees are often uncomfortable with change even if it’s necessary for a business turnaround. Remember high morale among employees propels profits. 

Screening Resumes to Hire the Best People — 5 Tips — If you want to hire an impact person, your hiring process is really important. The wrong hires result in costly turnover — a waste of money and time. Before you start interviewing, the place to start is your screening of resumes.

“Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things.”

-Peter Drucker


Author Terry Corbell has written innumerable online business-enhancement articles, and is a business-performance consultant and profit professional. Click here to see his management services. For a complimentary chat about your business situation or to schedule him as a speaker, consultant or author, please contact Terry.