Image by Cyber Rabbit from Pixabay


One key element for a company’s branding and sales that often gets short shrift is a great logo. Whether you’re an entrepreneur entering a brave new world or an established company needing profits, a great logo helps ensure top-of-mind awareness.

A great logo can make the difference between winning and losing in a competitive marketplace.

To win with a world-class logo, here are the six key characteristics:

Uniqueness means telling your story.

Some companies, such as Intel, have been ingenious in creating a logo with sound — the famous Intel “bong.”

The 2015 video explains the history of the Intel bong.

You want to stand out against your competition. Additionally, like Intel, create your own fonts to distinguish your logo from others.

And yes, you want a memorable logo, but the last thing you want is negative publicity and the expense of a lawsuit.

Keep it fresh.

Look into the future. Your logo needs to be timeless in the face of changing times.

It’s not always possible – sometimes logos need to be fine-tuned because of developing trends. If you decide to update your logo be sure, though, to keep the same basic concept (customers long remember a great logo).

Simplicity works.

Don’t get too cute. A logo needs to be simple to be memorable. Here’s a trite phrase but apropos – “Less is more.”

Simplicity is necessary so you can also use your logo as a favicon.  A favicon is shown in the address bar of every browser, and will help to level your playing field with bigger companies. Find favicon-design tips here.

Be artistic for visual appeal.

Professionalism is important to avoid the look of being poorly planned. You want balance in color and fonts that don’t clash with your objective.

A logo design should coincide with your targeting.

Style, fonts and colors might be appropriate for one industry and profession, they aren’t suitable for others. A whimsical style is not suitable for professional service firms. And it must look good with your slogan.

It should be adaptable.

Flexibility is important. There are occasions when you’ll to display your logo in different ways – whether it’s for a black-and-white motif, a small logo on business cards or a large rendition on a sign at a store location.

From the Coach’s Corner, here are more marketing tips:

Overview: Marketing Plan Essentials For Best Results — If you haven’t completed a strong marketing plan to complement your business plan, you’re missing salient benefits and your plan needs four specifics.

Critical Essentials to Develop the Best Marketing Formula — There are critical essentials for marketing, which includes the right channels and developing the right message. That includes the right branding slogan and logo. Unless your targeting upscale consumers, many consumers prefer value marketing — not cute, which doesn’t necessarily mean selling at a lower price than your competitors. Hyper-consumerism is history. Humor is great, but more importantly, traditional values with a purpose are in vogue.

14 Steps to Profit from Online Customer Reviews — For competitiveness and profits, businesses can’t afford to ignore the potential of online reviews. They’re a factor in revolutionizing commerce. Reviews are important because they influence prospective customers to buy from you. They’re also beneficial in improving your Internet presence because search-engine crawlers consider them to be relevant.

“Your goal is not to make an image. It’s to make a statement!”

– Tom Asacker


Author Terry Corbell has written innumerable online business-enhancement articles, and is a business-performance consultant and profit professional. Click here to see his management services. For a complimentary chat about your business situation or to schedule him as a speaker, consultant or author, please contact Terry.