More and more job seekers complain they don’t get acknowledgment when they apply for positions with prospective employers. It’s disappointing, especially if you’ve done your best to stand out in a crowd.

Worse for you, a significant number of employers use an online tracking system to accept applications and screen out applicants.  But there are alternatives to applying for jobs online.

Yes, it takes energy and resources for a employers to respond to applicants. The online application process cuts down on their paper work and saves them time.

If you must apply online, you should resort to proven strategies to shine in your online job application.

Certainly, employers who don’t respond can hurt your morale. But it hasn’t always been the trend.

Besides, aside from being gauche, such companies miss an opportunity to demonstrate they have a heart as an employer.

Nonetheless, a 2012 blog for job hunters caught my eye – “Write a resume that gets an employer’s attention,” by Chad Bauer of New Grad Life.

Mr. Bauer suggested there are three qualities that good resumes must have.

They’re important to help you cut through the labyrinth of databases, human resources employees, and recruiters.

He says companies look for resumes to answer three questions – here’s an edited excerpt: 

1. Can the candidate solve the specific top problems I have today?

— Do your research to find out the specific problems, challenges, and goals a company has today

— Do more research to determine how those corporate challenges, problems, and goals affect the department and hiring manager

— Don’t just list broad industry skills, hoping it meets your target’s needs

— Don’t just say that you can learn – beyond entry level jobs, few companies will pay you for training or pay you to take time for a learning curve, if they can find plenty of candidates who won’t need training 

… research to determine how those corporate challenges, problems, and goals affect the department and hiring manager

2. Can the candidate build shareholder value?

— Do your research to find out the type of value likely to be important to this specific company, department and manager

— Demonstrate your value in numerical results or percentages

— Translate your accomplishments to shareholder value

— Claim responsibility

— Don’t emphasize responsibilities

— Don’t emphasize your past company’s accomplishments over your specific achievements

3. Will the employee fit in with the company’s culture?

— Learn as much as you can about a company’s culture before applying for a position

— Be who you are, rather than trying to present a different persona

— Do research to find companies and positions who will value an employee with your personality

— Don’t fight ageism – embrace it

— Don’t waste your time – if you’re not a culture fit, apply somewhere else

From the Coach’s Corner, do you need more insurance?Here are more tips:

7 Tips to Tweet Your Way to a Great New Job – Seriously — Surprise! If you play it smart you can take advantage of the 500 million Twitter account holders to get a new job or career. Really, it’s true.

Job Hunting? Tips to Land Your Dream Job with Style, Substance — Yes, the competition for jobs is ferocious. Here are proven tips to be hired for your dream job.

Best 11 Tips for a Super Elevator Pitch — Whatever you’re trying to sell – one skill you definitely need is a super elevator pitch. You need to prepare for any opportunities. Don’t be caught off guard.

15 Tips to Improve Your Odds for a Job — If you are unemployed, you are probably feeling desperate. But take heart. Here are 15 proven strategies.

“All our dreams can come true–if we have the courage to pursue them.”

Walt Disney 


Author Terry Corbell has written innumerable online business-enhancement articles, and is a business-performance consultant and profit professional. Click here to see his management services. For a complimentary chat about your business situation or to schedule him as a speaker, consultant or author, please contact Terry.