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You’ve probably clinched your exciting new job by doing all the right things – from researching your employer and sending a strategic thank you note after interviews – to proposing what you would do in the first 90 days to insure your fast start for a strong performance.

You risk burnout after a successful career search.

Any time you endure the pressures of a career move, you must recognize the signs of a burnout. So, you have to guard against burnout. If you get burned out, it’s best to alleviate it.

Burnout is an obstacle to being fully motivated. And motivated you must be to get off to a fast start for your new employer.

Try to rest at least for a couple of days before starting your new job.

Accept new challenges

Accept the fact that you face new challenges. Like members of any victorious sports team, your energy is gone.

It’s hard to focus positively without energy, so again get enough rest. Avoid self doubt and other negative thoughts that tend to exacerbate burnout.

Budget your time for “blue-sky sessions.” A blue-sky session is a time for reflection and visualizing your priorities for success.

Take walks. Get away from the office at lunchtime. Take contrary action. Do all the things you avoided when you were in the high-stress job search.

Such an approach will relax you. That will leave you with enough energy to become passionate to focus on productivity and making your mark in your industry.

You see, while it’s exciting to start a new job, it can also be bewildering. The wrong preparation and approach will lead to your demise.

Successful habits

Successful people read, especially before retiring at night.

To clear their minds, they write a to-do list.

Instead of thinking about work, they value time with their families.

They inventory their day. They assess what went right. They start a gratitude list about their progress. They stay motivated with the help of an attitude of gratitude.

Meditation is a priority. They relax their minds and bodies before bedtime. They allow enough time for sleep.

Even after a bad-hair day, they don’t add to their stress. They go to sleep with positive thoughts.

Finally, they use visualization techniques. They envision a positive conclusion for their projects and future.

Daily roadmap 

Successful people are proactive in introducing themselves with a smile to co-workers.

Set expectations with your boss. Schedule a meeting with your supervisor to discuss expectations of you each week in the first three months. If you’re a manager, do the same with your employees. They deserve to know your expectations.

Learn the company’s culture. Know the ins-and-outs of the expected etiquette.

Deliver on your commitments and promises right away. Make sure the company knows you’re following through on what you promised in your job interviews.

Keep a record of your successes and when you’re complimented by your boss.

Make these habits. Plus, you might need them in performance and salary reviews.

Use your social media. Announce your new position and update your social media. Connect with your new co-workers. Follow your peers. Interact with them.

Get in touch with your former peers. Connect with them. If you haven’t already, request they make a LinkedIn recommendation.

Make listening to your new colleagues a priority. That’s important to get off on the right foot in a new job.

Don’t worry about making a good impression. Be authentic. Be yourself. And look for reasons to smile.

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“Time spent in nature is the most cost-effective and powerful way to counteract the burnout and sort of depression that we feel when we sit in front of a computer all day.”

-Richard Louv


Author Terry Corbell has written innumerable online business-enhancement articles, and is a business-performance consultant and profit professional. Click here to see his management services. For a complimentary chat about your business situation or to schedule him as a speaker, consultant or author, please contact Terry.