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Guest blogging is a great way to become better known in your profession. A byline works wonders. As a guest blogger, you’re able to share your philosophy to promote your business or to accelerate your career prospects.

You also can benefit from links from authoritative publishers to your site or to your social media.

However, publishers are increasingly annoyed by the poor pitches of time-wasting inquiries or spammers. Why? Authoritative publishers are deluged with solicitations and the vast majority of pitches fail to make a good impression.

To make a favorable impression in your pitches, here are nine tips:

1. Do your homework. Remember you’re a guest. Check out the site’s guidelines and follow them.

Become familiar with the publisher’s articles and posts.

Chances are the publisher is busy and very serious about quality writing, and has spent a lot of time and money to build a good site. So, don’t be surprised if the decision-maker is selective.

2. Customize your pitch. Be a chameleon. Read the “About” page and some of the articles so you can show how your blog will be a good fit.

… publishers are increasingly annoyed by the poor pitches of time-wasting inquiries or spammers. Why? Their pitches fail to make a good impression.

3. Be sincere. Be complimentary but don’t come across like a spammer with something like, “your great site is really incredible with outstanding articles and fabulous content.” A simple, credible compliment will suffice.

4. Use an economy of words. Keep your initial inquiry short and to-the-point.

5. Suggest possible topics. Mention a few topics and ask if they’re of any interest. Ask for feedback. Show you’re amenable to the publisher’s input.

6. Double-check your wording. First impressions are important. So be careful and edit your written request.

7. Include examples. If you’ve been published, include links to your writing. If this is your first foray, offer to forward relevant examples.

8. Be transparent. Don’t use a generic e-mail account; for example, a Gmail account. Otherwise, you better have a good sales technique. Trust is important. Publishers want a sense of who you are.

9. Have a good bio. Most importantly before you make a pitch, remember your recipients will usually ask themselves the age-old WIIFM question, an acronym for “What’s in it for me?”

Quality publishers want to be known as having high credibility. That also means they want to be confident about you and your writing.

Cut through the clutter of your competitors by including a brief bio. Be prepared to include a headshot for publication.

Don’t convey arrogance in assuming the publisher has the time to research you. But if publishers are open to guest posts, chances they’ll research you to confirm your representations.

Be careful about your social media. Avoid sarcasm and make sure any of your political satire would be acceptable to the publishers.

Good luck!

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Author Terry Corbell has written innumerable online business-enhancement articles, and is a business-performance consultant and profit professional. Click here to see his management services. For a complimentary chat about your business situation or to schedule him as a speaker, consultant or author, please contact Terry.